Dreadbox Erebus Erebus is an analog 2-voice Paraphony or Unison sounds, only with Through Hole components. It features 2 x VCO with seperate glide controls, 2 pole (12dB/ocv) pre-fed resonating VC Low Pass Filter, VC LFO with additional VC Depth and 2 x Envelope Generators (1xADSR and 1xAR dedicated to the AMP). It has a VC Delay/Echo and 15 patches for an astonishing Modular experience. CV Outputs include LFO, Envelope (attenuated), Modulation Wheel (attenuated), Gate, Osc1 pitch (1V/ocv), Osc2 pitch (1V/ocv). CV Inputs: Osc1, Osc2, Echo time, VCF, CV, GATE, LFO rate, PW and VCA. Paraphony CV/GATE outputs allow you to turn monophonic devices into Paraphonic, or even combine 2 monosynths.MIDI interface: Midi in/through DIN socket, Pitch note/gate on-off, retrigger function (on-board), Mod wheel (patched on-board), Pitch wheel, MIDI Channel select 1-7 or Omni (DIP switch)MONO AUDIO IN (1/4 TS-Unbalanced), accepts up to 3Vpp inputsMONO AUDIO OUT (1/4 TS-Unbalanced), sends up to 10Vpp oPatches: 3.5mm monoGate in: activation at 0.9V in a low gain up to 5V for max gainGate out: 0-5VOsc1, Osc2, CV IN: works at 1V/oct and can accept from +/-12VCV1, CV2 outs: send 1V/oct (converted to analog via midi keyboard)Mod Wheel out: converts the midi modulation wheel to analog 0-5V outEnvelope out: 0-6.6V depending on the depth settingLFO out: +/-5VLFO frequency range: 0.009Hz (110sec) up to 30Hz (0.033sec)LFO rate CV in: 0-5VPW in: +/-5VEcho CV in:0-5V (works best up to 2.5V)VCA in: 0-5VSuggested room temperature for best oscillator stability: 18-30 CelciusWeight: 1.4 kgr225 x 160 x 75 mm Keyboards & MIDI, Synthesizers & Sound Modules, Synthesizer Modules Dreadbox J44535 ERE Dreadbox, Synthesizer Modules |
Price Info: Dreadbox ERE