Tag Archives: Fatshark

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Schluesselschloss

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide SchluesselschlossFatshark · Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Schluesselschloss“”
Trapped in the fortress of Schluesselschloss, our heroes are forced into an inevitable standoff against Skaven hordes. With no hope of escape, how long can they withstand before they finally fall?
Downloadable Content Fatshark DLC-WETV-SCHLUESSELSCHLOSS
warhammer end times vermintide schluesselschloss, downloadable content

Krater Mayhem Mk 13 Character DLC

Krater Mayhem Mk 13 Character DLCFatshark · Krater Mayhem Mk 13 Character DLC“”
Mayhem Mk13, the pinnacle of aggressive assault technologies formed from the knowledge extracts of a Mutant Slayer’s brain and the latest cybernetic limbs collected from the Underside. The Mayhem Mk13 will be your tank’s best friend close up and your medikus’ saviour from afar. Dare to delve deeper on high-risk excavation ventures where the Mayhem Mk13’s tactical flexibility will be the difference between life and death. More on the Mk13:
Downloadable Content Fatshark DLC-KRATERMK13
krater mayhem mk 13 character dlc, downloadable content

Hamilton’s Great Adventure: Retro Fever

Hamilton's Great Adventure: Retro FeverFatshark · Hamilton’s Great Adventure: Retro Fever“”
By popular demand your favorite developer has given their level designers the task of creating even more retro extravaganza in the same spirit as the Toader level of the main release.
Downloadable Content Fatshark DD-HGARF
hamiltons great adventure retro fever, downloadable content